When we speak of weather you'll hear people say, "this weather is so bipolar." Lately we've been getting warm and colds temperatures in Philadelphia. I can finally say that it's autumn. The leaves are falling as you can see. The wind also blows creating a chill breeze making us know that this winter will be a cold one. I'm not prepared for it but I know I'll have to be. I'll miss that warm summer weather.
The easiest way to get over something and feel good afterwards is to write about it. I love writing fiction. But recently my school has forced me to write about myself. I've touched on situations that were sensitive to me. But after wards, it feels like I brushed the dirt off of my hands and is able to move on. For those of you who don't write, I'll say start. Get something off of your chest. One thing you can do is write it out, then burn the paper. It'll feel like you've really let something go. Trust me, you feel so much better.
I can say that it's worth the wait. I'm in my junior year of high school. I've seen people get together like puzzle pieces, including my best friend. It's so hard to see this because you feel like there's something wrong with you. I would question myself. Why don't I have a boyfriend? Since freshman year I've crushed on a few guys and was rejected by all of them. I also crushed on my guy best friend but I was too scared to say anything. But you can't be scared. You have to say something. Recently I've been liking a boy who was in the same grade as me. I told my friend my feelings and that I wanted him to talk to him, to see what was going on in his mind because I couldn't tell if the boy was interested or not. The boy was so shy and he would say hi to me in the hallways sometimes but I was just confused. His best friend was the only person who I can trust with this. I'll just say that the boy that I liked confessed his feelings to me that same day. All because I said something. I've never felt happier. So don't go on with silence. Speak up, it's better to know if they're interested or not.
I love photography and have now been taking pictures for about a year. Anything that captures my eyes, I take a picture. There's so many beautiful things in this world that it's just so hard ignore to ignore something as simple as a flower. I find these things precious and should be seen somehow, so I take a picture.